
dr gradus ad parnassum

I really miss the piano. I don't miss that particular Haydn monster, rather the ability to leaf through the pages of one of the multitude of books usually found on the stand, and play to my hearts content. Or at least until my brother or dad hear the piano and are reminded that they would also like to play. Finding and playing a piano here is not something easily done unless you're studying music. The keys to coveted practice rooms are not given out to any old junkie pianist wanting a fix unfortunately. My hands are actually getting twitchy.

Amazing performance. Russian Dance from Stravinsky's Petrushka ballet.


$ym said...

thank you! how is uni treating you?xxx

bearcat said...

Honestly, it's shit - I could write a book on How Uni Ruined My Life.
Don't worry about the whole contact thing really, like I said I don't think it's deliberate. Some people really make a go at establishing a new life where they're going to be for the next 3 years, which I think is great and all (though personally I've not done it).
Maybe term two will be vaguely better.. how's you?