
mostly i just feel like poisoning everybody

Scarlett Johansson is TOO BEAUTIFUL. This is the conclusion I have come to, for her beauty is such that it actually hurts my eyes. Her face and figure make her look like she's from another era entirely; she is this decade's only plausible 'screen siren', looks-wise, and a good actor to boot despite all those dreadful Woody Allen films. In addition she is the only woman thus far to pull off an entire album of Tom Waits covers. In almost every conceivable way she goes against the grain as far as Hollywood is concerned. She is resolutely pale, enviably voluptuous, and speaks her mind. Compared with the almost interchangable army of boney, tangoed and above all completely vacuous actresses, she stands out a mile.

In constrast, today I watched two episodes of Hannah Montana (I have no life) and felt like I'd looked into the abyss. It was terrifying. How are the coming generation going to cope if all they have is the Disney Channel? I don't understand how the young girls of today can endure these half-hour ordeals that so effortlessly combine the twin evils of bad music and bad acting. Also, Miley Cyrus comes across as being real mean to her friends and family! But I guess to be rich enough to keep yourself in promise rings, powerful enough to insult people without fear of retribution, and leading a double life based entirely on strategic wig swaps is what appeals to the youth these days.
I switched to watching the classic 80s cartoon THE TRAP DOOR to soothe my nerves.


$ym said...

the second photo of her is sosososos yum

Jenny said...

She's in the mango ad campaign- it's changed my perception of mango clothing entirely. WUT?!