
bring me the head of aladdin sane

  • Two pots of fabric paint - £5
  • 100% cotton PE t-shirt for young boys from Marks & Spencers - £2
  • Knowing that my Aladdin Sane t-shirt is not from Topshop - Priceless
My previous foray into the world of fabric paint and stencils was not a success, so I'm very pleased with how this turned out. It has thus far survived a very sweaty Late of the Pier crowd last night, though I'm afraid it may all come out in the wash - I ironed and ironed it, but I'm still a bit dubious.

Late of the Pier at the Kentish Town Forum were quite wonderful. There's nothing like a gig to blast the cobwebs out of your brain and get those toes a-tapping. Their set closer was Focker, a riotous affair that even managed to coax the ever-present middle-aged stationary stalwarts into doing a little more than nodding their heads sagely (they've seen it all before of course).

1 comment:

$ym said...

i made a jumper once with a big horse on it and i never washed it because i was too scared it would disapear. someone asked me where i bought it :D