
a handbook for feminists and revolutionaries

It's 05:38AM, and it's been that time for about 3 weeks. This time my excuse is an essay; it's due in 12 hours, and I'm taking my own alarmingly leisurely time over it's completion, for reasons I can't quite comprehend at the moment. This is the tail end of my allotted 'break time', during which I've mindlessly meandered around the internet and sipped at a disgusting can of Relentless every couple of minutes because I'm too much of a wimp to drink the required amount of coffee...

I apologise for the terrible quality of these photos, taken using ancient Kodak digital...
Halloween was memorable, in that I can't quite remember it all. We stumbled between Archers and our flat at least twice, each time having gathered more people and more pointlessly appropriated traffic signs, until I couldn't be bothered any more and just cooked myself a pizza. I think. I certainly ate one, anyway. Everyone floated back in on the chilly breeze of the early hours and made a joint effort of trashing the kitchen before retiring for the evening, and that was the end of another October.

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